By: Jana Greco, M.Ed. CHP, Educator, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Trainer, Author
Oh, the days of summer! Fun, laughter, play, going outdoors . . .
why should we make time for this stuff? Well, according to research from the University Family Medical Center in Pueblo, Colorado, we tend to do healthier things for ourselves during the summer months. For instance, simply by going outdoors and getting a natural dose of Vitamin D, we can reduce rates of heart attacks, improve our immunity, and we can help ourselves to regulate sleep. Get that early morning exposure to the sun! 😉
And what about summery fun nail design? That alone can help us feel rejuvenated, just like new hairdos and seasonal Starbucks drinks. People work long hours and rejuvenation of any kind helps to heal our spirit, provide us with energy, and makes us smile. When you do things to improve your mood and rejuvenate, you’re helping to release serotonin and increase dopamine. I say, bring it on! Exercise, listen to your favorite music, try an infrared sauna, pamper yourself . . . and “feel” the rewards!
Laughter can be fun and playful, AND it can also help keep us healthy! Participating in laughter yoga sessions, which combines laughter and breathing, provides us with more oxygen to the brain, which boosts energy and helps us feel. . . you guessed it, healthy. It also decreases the negative effects of stress, it helps improve our immune system, and so much more. Try out one of our wonderful instructors within AATH!
Want to laugh even more? Let’s improve our moods, stimulate our organs, and soothe tension. If you’re into summer fun bloopers, check this out:
Try not to giggle, dare ya! 😂
Whatever it is that brings out that liberated feeling, that smile, that summer joy, please do it already! So, take advantage of season, and work on your health. Let’s lighten up, relieve stress, improve brain function, boost creativity, and improve connection to others.
What’s on your summer bucket list?
Swimming Naked? Research those benefits! 😉
Going to an outdoor concert or event? Yes, connect with friends!
Making your own Sangria? Remember to use real fruit, yet another immune boosting thing we do more of in the summer!
Riding a huge roller coaster? What a way to feel alive!
Having an enormous water balloon fight? Vodka balloon fight? Bourbon?
Running through that ever-lovin’ sprinkler with someone you love?
Singing ridiculously loud on a road trip?
Get out there and have a great time! Have that wild deck party, dance under the stars, just promise you’ll smile, laugh, and let the endorphins fly before the weather changes and you’re back inside! #healthysummerhabits
About the Author:
Jana Greco is an educator, an emotional intelligence coach and trainer, and a published author. She's also the founder of Emotional Intelligence Matters, LLC. During Jana's graduate studies, which was in educational leadership, she completed a master's thesis on the importance of emotional intelligence
in school leaders relative to teacher morale issues. Using data obtained from her colleagues, she was able to help bridge the gap between administrators and teachers in her district. Jana enjoys training educators in emotional intelligence to better equip them for teaching our young children in the area social and emotional learning. Jana is a Certified Humor Professional through the AATH Humor Academy and her strengths are developer, empathy, connectedness, achiever, and woo.
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